Get detailed Subject/Stream and Career Recommendation.
Discover the right career.
Dmystifi narrows down all the career possibilities for an individual. It further breakdowns the list of selected career options based on the individual’s interest, personality and aptitude. Thus, helps them to unlock the door of career.
Dmystifi unlocks the confusion of choosing the best-fit stream for you. It provides the answers to all your problems with a complete assessment of one’s potentials, interest, personality and attitudes. Furthermore, it connects the individual with the well-researched career options based on their choice of subjects.
Dmytifi discovers the unique talent of individuals which help them to walk towards the path of Self- actualization. It broadens the perspective of self and gives a clear image of the hidden skills and strengths of an individual to deal with their behaviors.
Analyzing CVs and resumes is your least favourite chore as a recruiter or hiring manager. Some CVs are too brief, while others are excessively long. Some reflect the fact that the candidate has not read the job description properly, while others lack material and are...
Psychometric testing is a scientific technique used for testing various psychological attributes like intelligence, aptitude, personality traits, etc. It can be used in the field of education, psychology, psychiatry, and even recruitment to assess cognitive abilities...