What is Holland code?
Holland code is a method of analyzing people according to their interests and choices. Dr. John Holland, a well-known psychologist developed the theory of Holland Code. Holland’s theory suggested three-letter code made up of an individual’s three dominant personality types. Dr. Holland identified six types collectively referred as RIASEC. The Initials of the first letter defines the following personality types: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional.
Dr. Holland's theory suggested that these six broad areas can be further classified into different careers options. They can be used to describe personalities and interests of a person. For instance, Building careers are related to working with tools or machinery (e.g. carpenter, mechanic, or airline pilot). People with Building interests are practical who like working with their hands and creating a tangible product.
Six Types of Holland Code
The six types of Holland Code describes the values, motivations, and preferences of an individual. Every interest area displays a collection of typical job tasks, as well as a description of the person who would be interested in doing those sorts of tasks.
Holland’s theory states certain characteristics of each personality type (RIASEC), along with some compatible occupations:
Realistic: People who like to work alone and prefer concrete tasks. A person is classified as Realistic/Builder when he or she has interest in jobs that require use of tools, machines, or physical skills. Realistic people are practical and action-oriented. They prefer tangible result for their efforts on the job.
If you fall in the category of Builders, you will probably like to be outdoors, involved in playing sports, and work with plants or animals. You will have an interest in building and crafting things and working with tools.
Builders often choose career in the following fields: Mechanics, Construction, Manufacturing, Law Enforcement, Military and Athletics.
Investigative: People who use abstract and analytical skills to figure out things and often prefers to work independently. A person is classified as Investigative/ Thinker when he or she has interest in jobs that includes theory, research, and scientific inquiry. Investigative people are intellectual and inquisitive. They have a keen interest in searching for facts and understanding.
If you fall in the category of Thinkers, you will probably like to work with ideas and theories. You will look for areas to build your knowledge and to have a greater understanding of the world around you. Science and technology will come on the top list of your interest.
Thinkers often choose career in the following fields: Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Research, Academics and Medicine.
Artistic: People who like to create new things and are considered to be imaginative. A person is classified as Artistic/Creator when he or she has interest in jobs that includes creativity, originality, and artistic expression. Artistic people are imaginative and intuitive. They always indulge in creating something innovative and unique.
If you fall in the category of Creator, you will probably like to work in unstructured environment where you have an option of creating something original. You will be more involved in areas of painting, drawing, creative writing, or may be playing an instrument. You will always value art more than anything.
Creators often choose career in the following fields: Arts, Design, Performance, Music, Writing, and Language.
Social: People who like to interact with others and are concerned about social problems/issues. A person is classified as Social/Helper when he or she has interest in jobs that help or serve other people. Social people are compassionate and caring. They prefer to see the impact of their work on others' lives.
If you fall in the category of Helper, you will probably like to work closely with others in a way that allows you to create a positive impact on their lives. You will be inclined towards teaching, counseling, and caring for other people. You’ll pay more attention to your personal values.
Helpers often choose career in the following fields: Health Care, Social Service, Counseling, Human Resources and Personal Care.
Enterprising: People who lean towards leadership roles, prefers challenging tasks and seen as extroverts. A person is classified as Enterprising/Persuader when he or she has interest in jobs that involve leading or influencing other people. Enterprising people are energetic and dominant. They like to be powerful and motivational.
If you fall in the category of Persuader, you will probably like to work in positions of power and influence. You will prefer to make decisions and lead others. You will mostly choose challenging or risky tasks during work.
Persuaders may choose career in the following field: Business, Management, Sales, Politics, Law and Leadership.
Conventional: People who prefer detailed oriented and structured tasks and often seen as conservative. A person is classified as Conventional/Organizer when he or she has interest in jobs that involve working with data and information. Conventional people are orderly and methodical. They prefer to follow procedures and complete tasks with accuracy and precision.
If you fall in the category of Organizer, you will probably like to complete orderly, well-defined tasks in a structured environment. You will prefer to work with numbers, data, and files. You will give more value to accuracy and precision.
Organizers often choose career in the following fields: Business, Administration, Accounting, Information Technology, and Office Management.
Holland code as a tool to choose the right career
Holland code or the RIASEC model is an Interest Inventory test to find the right career based on your interests and match them with specific occupations. Holland code not only helps you to discover your appropriate careers but also figures which career will suit you the most. Holland code assessment is the best way to have a detailed analysis of your own interest profile.
Holland code is also used as a mean of assessment by many other Interest Inventory Tests. One of the most widely used Interest Inventory Test is the Strong Interest Inventory, seen as a Holland code assessment that helps you to identify your Interest, Holland code and Careers.
Holland Code is a scientific tool that provides career job opportunities, career job descriptions, and career search sites based on yours interests, talents, and aptitude. The Holland code test consists of multiple tasks where you have to rate by how much you would enjoy performing each on a scale of (1) dislike (2) slightly dislike (3) neither like nor dislike (4) slightly enjoy (5) enjoy. Mark your interest in each activity shown and think about whether you would love doing it or not. The test will take most 15-20 minutes to complete.
You only require a computer or a mobile device for the test.
Holland code helps you to pay better attention to your personality traits and corresponding work environments. Furthermore, this assessment can also help you identify some traits and list a set of jobs that perhaps you had not previously considered. The assessment strengthens your search for career and render more meaningful matches.
In short, Holland code narrows down a group of potential career choices to have a thorough research before making the final decision. Holland code offers a complete set of self- assessment with career opportunities and the type of work that suits best with your personality.