

Test Description

Sequential reasoning is a person’s ability to mentally process and organize information.

People with strong sequential reasoning skills are able to automatically shuffle and organize large amounts of information. They find it easy to logically add and store information and often don’t feel the need to write down ideas.

Sequential Activity

Sequential activities allow children to follow a logical order or sequence, or to have a working plan. This increases your level of thinking in a systematic manner and promotes self-regulation and problem-solving skills.  Some of the activities include writing a message, drawing a recognizable picture, and putting together a puzzle.

People who spend more time in Sequential activities excel in mathematical knowledge, letter and word recognition and writing.


Sequential Reasoning Test tests your ability to think logically and analytically. Sequential Reasoning test involves letter and number sequences. Each question has a sequence. Look at the sequence and work out which of the numbers/letters or combination of both is the next member of the sequence.

You have to work quickly and accurately to perform well in this test. Try to find a place where you will not be interrupted during the test.

Test Requirements

You only require a Computer

Test Outcomes

Sequential thinking is based on breaking down the decision into a set of key points or elements. This helps you discover the degree to which you make decisions in your life. It analyses your behavior of how you deal with given information and the manner in which you apply logic and analyze that information.

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